A Value-Driven IDD Platform Designed For Value-Based Care

Zkare I/DD EHR case management software was invented to revolutionize the healthcare sector to support developmental and disability services. Our Cloud-based IDD software was built from scratch to assist intellectual disabilities services to meet the realities of healthcare today.

We provide person-centered solutions for organizations to support agency workflows, revenue management, and compliance. Our IDD care software assists individuals in finding meaningful roles in their community and to feel valued as community members. We truly create opportunities for individuals to form healthy relationships and live meaningful lives.

Key Features Customized To Drive IDD Goals

Providing specialized features to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


Manage Individuals Care

Our Effective IDD EHR System offers the tools to deliver intellectual treatment and support.

Remote Monitoring

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities EHR features remote monitoring tools to improve service delivery in healthcare settings.

Smart Treatment Tracking

Make detailed person-centered treatment plans with trackable objectives and goals.

Activity Tracking

Developmental Disabilities Software allows a healthcare provider to track and monitor an individual's progress through the provision of care.

Compliance Tracking

IDD EHR software allows you to stay up to date and compliant with real-time client details.

Outcomes Intelligence

IDD Care platform offers data insights and complete visibility to inform quality service delivery and scale care.

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+1 703 387 6323

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Our Location

Ashburn, VA 20148

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